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Incessant Rain
She leaves the cover of the awning, opens her umbrella, and dives into an alley while humming a lighthearted tune. The rain stops a little while after. She scratches her head and swipes her screen open. After a few taps, raindrops begin to fall in an area no wider than her umbrella. The pitter-patter sound of raindrops on the umbrella mixes with music from the game. All was calm and relaxing. "Gaming and rain totally go together."
Promotion Details
Mirage of Reality
Increases the wearer's Effect Hit Rate by 24%. When the wearer deals DMG to an enemy that currently has 3 or more debuffs, increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 12%. After the wearer uses their Basic ATK, Skill, or Ultimate, there is a 100% base chance to implant Aether Code on a random hit target that does not yet have it. Targets with Aether Code receive 12% increased DMG for 1 turn.